Holding out for the best

I have a friend with whom I went running this morning. He's a 34 year old single Christian man, who has been dating someone for about 7 months. The big question whenever we get together is..."So...are you going to ask her to marry you?"

The problem is, he realizes that he and his girlfriend, though they are both good people, have some pretty major differences in life priorities. She doesn't want children (he does), she is very focused on her life goals and not too willing to accomodate someone else's dreams. I told him that as much as I want him to get married and start a family (since this is his desire) I'd hate for him to settle for less than the best. 50 years of marriage with someone you don't really agree on some fundamental life priorities is not a prescription for happiness or fulfillment, but rather frustration.

I pray that when my children are old enough to be considering such questions, they will hold out for the best in their future mate. I pray they will find a person who loves Jesus and wants to spend their days serving Him together. I pray they will find a person who makes them feel more alive and whose life priorities mesh with their own. It's a lot to pray for. But I know it's possible.


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