Waiting and prayer

We were visiting friends out of state and went to church with them yesterday at a small church that is on the upswing. It was a very simple, friendly, predictable service. Afterward, Ann and I got into a conversation with the pastor's wife. She told us the story of how they knew their time was up at their previous church, and they weren't really even looking for the senior pastor role, but this one just opened up and it seemed like this was where God was leading them. That was about a year ago, and the church has grown by leaps and bounds since then.

After she walked away Ann and I remarked at how we are waiting for that to happen in our lives. Feels like we've been in a transition for about 2 years, and we are waiting upon God to open the doors to the next full-time ministry position for me. And waiting. And waiting.

Then in the evening we went to a concert at a Portland downtown church. Awesome gospel style music. But I think what I got out of it the most was seeing all the evidence around the church building that they were dedicated to prayer. There were signs on the wall, powerpoint slides before and after service, and mention in their program about weekly times of prayer at the church and a coming 21 day Consecration Fast. The main wall outside the sanctuary said "My house will be a house of prayer."

All of this reminded me that prayer is the foundation upon which successful ministry is built. Time spent with God - in silence, in supplication, in meditation, in praise - has always been the constant in my life when ministry has been "working" for me. I know this element of my spiritual life needs to be raised up to it's level of importance again. Not AFTER I find that next position, but before. Now.

May 2009 be a year of renewal in my prayer life, and may I enjoy a deepening in the level of communication I feel with God as a result.


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