World Vision Experience AIDS

Last night we went with others from our small group to an exhibit at WWU put on by World Vision. It was called the Experience AIDS project. Basically it is an interpretive center that you put on headphones and are led through the story of 1 of 4 children affected by the AIDS epidemic in Africa. It took about 20 minutes to go through. Towards the end of it you actually go into a “clinic” and wait for the results of your AIDS test. I got a red X on my hand since the child I “was” was HIV positive. It was a pretty stark reminder of the death sentence such an experience is for so many in Africa. Once again I feel incredibly blessed and moved to try to DO something more for the millions of children orphaned in Africa. World Vision has “pastor’s tours” to AIDS affected areas which I am thinking I might go on sometime in the next year. Of course I’d have to actually become a pastor again!

Next week, Monday-Wednesday everyone in our church is being challenged to live off a subsistence diet for 3 days – rice and beans – to be reminded what most of the world lives on every day of their life. Then on Wed night we’re having a Thanks Eve Service and a special offering will be sent to the International Justice Mission for their work on behalf of exploited children around the world. Our kids are already complaining about it! But I think it will make the feast on Turkey day a bit more meaningful for all of us.


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