Men's Group

I've been attending a men's small group a couple times a month for the past year or so. Most of the time I really like it (which is actually surprising) but occasionally I find it frustrating. Last night was one of those times. One of the men, who has only recently joined our group, talked a lot. And interspersed in his statements were ideas that sounded a bit like Trump was helping the USA become blessed by God again, God was using the current administration to help the church get bold again. I just sat there and bit my lip. Because I don't agree. But more than that, what makes me uncomfortable sometimes when I'm with conservative Christians is they say things as if "Everyone in the room automatically agrees with this position because we're all Christians." As if there is a Christian answer to each thorny political question and all real Christians agree because the Bible obviously tells us what is right. The problem is, I'm finding that m...