
Showing posts from November, 2020

Is God really in control of everything?

Last Saturday the 2020 presidential election was called in favor of Joe Biden after 5 long days of speculation and vote counting. Along the way this week I saw several social media posts from friends who are Christians that said something along the lines of this: "No matter what happens, God is in control." This is a nice sounding phrase that is repeated at funerals, after a job loss, after a bad diagnosis is received, when anything happens that is not how we hoped it would go. It flows out of a common belief that, since God is all-powerful, anything and everything that happens in our world is because it was God's will.  In other words, anything and everything that happens, does so because God made it so - because "God is in control." I'd like to ask the question, "Do we really believe this?" Further, I’d like to ask, "Is this a helpful idea to hold onto and to spread to others?" And if not, then “What ideas about God might be more helpfu...