This white guy goes to a Black Lives Matter protest

I'm 51 and I can't recall ever going to a protest. For anything. I've always had the thought, "What does a bunch of people standing with signs and chanting do to effect change?" But with recent events in the public arena, and more importantly, recent events between our ears, Ann and I decided to stand and be counted today at a rally organized by Whidbey Against Brutality and Racial Injustice . I was nervous about going. I didn't want to be part of anything violent. I didn't want to be part of an angry mob. And part of me didn't want people to think I was becoming one of "those" angry people. Arriving at the intersection of Hwy 20 and Beeksma Dr in Oak Harbor we saw a couple hundred people gathered at all 4 corners of the intersection. As we entered the little park where the largest group was gathered we walked by a group of 5 Oak Harbor police officers. I took off my mask and told them thank you for being there and that I apprecia...