
Showing posts from 2020

Is God really in control of everything?

Last Saturday the 2020 presidential election was called in favor of Joe Biden after 5 long days of speculation and vote counting. Along the way this week I saw several social media posts from friends who are Christians that said something along the lines of this: "No matter what happens, God is in control." This is a nice sounding phrase that is repeated at funerals, after a job loss, after a bad diagnosis is received, when anything happens that is not how we hoped it would go. It flows out of a common belief that, since God is all-powerful, anything and everything that happens in our world is because it was God's will.  In other words, anything and everything that happens, does so because God made it so - because "God is in control." I'd like to ask the question, "Do we really believe this?" Further, I’d like to ask, "Is this a helpful idea to hold onto and to spread to others?" And if not, then “What ideas about God might be more helpfu...

A breathing prayer

God of the Universe I breathe in love      I exhale hate I breathe in joy      I exhale sarcasm I breathe in peace     I exhale self-importance I breathe in patience     I exhale hurry I breathe in kindness     I exhale meanness I breathe in goodness     I exhale cheapness I breathe in gentleness     I exhale coerciveness I breathe in faithfulness     I exhale hopelessness I breathe in self-control     I exhale procrastination May the fruit of your Spirit grow in me     that others may benefit     and I will be more like You

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

I had the opportunity to preach at Living Word in Oak Harbor and Living Rock in Anacortes last weekend.  The topic was Romans 12 as part of their concurrent study of the book of Romans.  The whole chapter is amazing, but I got stuck on verses 1 and 2. These talk about the amazing idea of responding to God's mercy by offering your body as a living sacrifice, and thus being transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can know what God's will is. I think the idea of being continually transformed more and more into God's image just wouldn't let me go.  I've experienced so much change and growth in my understanding of God, my theology, my assumptions about the Bible and so much more in the past few years.  God has been transforming me by the renewal of my mind and I have never experienced more joy as a human - as a child of God.  There is no fear in love, for perfect love casts out fear. Here's the link to the YouTube video of the service at Living Word....

This white guy goes to a Black Lives Matter protest

I'm 51 and I can't recall ever going to a protest. For anything. I've always had the thought, "What does a bunch of people standing with signs and chanting do to effect change?" But with recent events in the public arena, and more importantly, recent events between our ears,  Ann and I decided to stand and be counted today at a rally organized by Whidbey Against Brutality and Racial Injustice . I was nervous about going.  I didn't want to be part of anything violent.  I didn't want to be part of an angry mob.  And part of me didn't want people to think I was becoming one of "those" angry people. Arriving at the intersection of Hwy 20 and Beeksma Dr in Oak Harbor we saw a couple hundred people gathered at all 4 corners of the intersection.  As we entered the little park where the largest group was gathered we walked by a group of 5 Oak Harbor police officers.  I took off my mask and told them thank you for being there and that I apprecia...

Fifty One

Happy Birthday to me!  On this my 51st birthday I'm listing 51 people who have had a big part in making me who I am, roughly starting from 1969 to 2020. My parents, Don and Beth Jaques (1969).  I am who I am today mostly because of their influence.  My mother's organizational and detail oriented mind. My dad's encouraging spirit and cautious nature.  Mostly their constant love and support. My sister Tracy Jaques Raymond (1969). My oldest sister - she is a steady person who can always be counted on.  My sister Suzanne Jaques Martin (1969). My middle sister - the storyteller in our family (God knows we needed ONE!) - her passionate prayer life and persistence in the midst of struggle continue to inspire me. My paternal grandparents Don and Anne Jaques (1970). First introduced me to the Monterey wharf and the ocean and blackjack and ping pong. My maternal grandparents Robert and Virginia Seidel (1970). First introduced me to Southern CA, camping, and Disne...