Sunrise, Sunset

I'm extremely blessed to live across the street from waterfront properties in my neighborhood. I'm doubly blessed to have wonderful neighbors who have told my wife and I to come over any time and sit on their adirondack chairs overlooking the Strait of Juan de Fuca. I took them up on that offer last night and was treated to the kaleidoscope of changing colors in the sky including this picture. After sitting in solitude for a few minutes, my neighbor came out with a couple glasses of wine and we enjoyed the beauty in front of us together. He asked me, "What does this bring to mind of God for you?" Interestingly I had been thinking about that already. For as I sat and watched the sunset I thought back 24 hours to a comment a friend had made to me. She said how amazed she is that God paints the sunset for us every night. I understood how she felt, but my internal thought was, "That's a beautiful sentiment, but I have to disagree." Does God act...