They'll know we are Christians by our what?
For the past few years I've been exploring answers that help me with many intellectual difficulties I've had with standard Evangelical answers to questions about the Bible and the Christian faith. I've assembled quite a collection of books by authors like Pete Enns, Brian MacLaren, Rachel Held Evans, Rob Bell, and Thom Stark. I've listened to countless podcasts by these same authors or others whose thinking parallels theirs. This morning I met with a friend named Scott who has been exploring down the same path I've been traversing. We are both deeply committed to following Jesus Christ. And we're both coming to grips with the fact that we no longer believe the same way we did earlier in our lives. We get together every couple of weeks to discuss what we've been reading, listening to, thinking about. It's exciting to have someone to voice doubts, questions, new ideas, wrestlings over matters of faith with. It's good to know there is no ...